Saturday, April 27, 2013

Fight Like a Girl

This is one of my favorite websites as it has been so helpful to me. I was so excited when they published my article . I hope I can be as much of an inspiration to others as they have been to me. Just as an FYI this was written before my round with melanoma and my stay in the hospital because of my kidney!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

New Website!

So my new website is up and completely operational! It was a huge learning curve and I know there are some things I can/could do better but I'm super happy with it! So let me introduce you to running4rescues

Friday, April 12, 2013

Another Year Bites the Dust

So you may be thinking "this isn't January or even Chinese New Year's what's up?  This is FAR more important than either of those, in airline world it's 3rd year pay!!!  Every year in airline world is the holy grail (until you cap out) it comes but once a year and it's like Christmas, you look forward to it ALL year.  I always like to recap you can read about them last day and here .

This year has brought many changes as well, as I type John is on his way back from LAS.  In August he moved from the MD-80 to the 757, and is currently based in LAS.   He also wiped out going down the stairs and had surgery on his knee and back, so he has been doing office work in lieu of flying, mostly working on the new rest rules, Part 117.

This year has also seen a successful union drive at his company by teamsters who knows what will happen with that, but overall I think its beneficial.

I have learned a lot of things this year that I had no knowledge in, mostly about unions and the crazy rabidness of some pilots about them, and the inability of a lot of them to put their money where their mouth is.  And also about the new rest rules, they are surprisingly (mostly) easy to understand and I proof read all Johns reports.

On the non-work front we sold our house in NM and moved back to the Chicago area!  Yea no more crappy homeowners association, and no more crappy medical care!  We are extremely happy to be back in the land of good pizza and hotdogs even if it means a longer commute for John.  I also started running this past year and have actually been having fun!  I even started my own website (that was a learning curve!)that will hopefully be a place to learn about running as well as animal rescues and what events you can do you to help your local shelters and rescues.

If someone had told me a year ago all of this I would have said you're crazy!  It just goes to show you; you never know what difference a year can make!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The government, taxes, and death..

Ok well maybe not death but I think that is how the saying goes. So a few days ago the courts decided that yes really the airlines had to put taxes in the final price of tickets . Now when I buy airline tickets (yes I do this often, sorry for destroying your illusion that flying standby is free and easy, it's neither) I hate to be nickel and dimed to death, drives me crazy! I would rather pay $20 and have my bag included. BUT I have to say the court's ruling just pisses me off, what makes the airlines different than say car dealers? Everyone knows that if you go to the car dealer the price on the window is NOT what you're going to pay, not even close! And as long as were going down that road, why aren't tax prices included on EVERYTHING? From airline tickets to cars to TV's and laptops? I guess I just wonder why they singled out the airlines and not everyone else?