Sunday, June 2, 2013

Being Grateful

As all my pilot wives know, bad things happend when the pilot is away, it doesn't matter how hard you try to avoid it shit happens

But this week its been interesting, the shoe has been on the other foot as they say.  I have been crazy busy with the new job and during the week it's all I can do to keep up with the work around the house (remember the 5 acres and horses) and going to work.  So this last weekend when dh was home I had to work Saturday (thankfully it's only one saturday a month).  I came home and was pleasantly surprised that dh (and the fence guys) had finished the run outs for the horses!  He had spent most of the day working on varouis outside barn type projects.  As I was walking around listening to him talk about everything he had done I realized " this is what I do all the time when you're gone."  He had (selflessly) spent the day working on something I wanted done, even though he had  a ton of work to do.  I was incredibly grateful.

Poor dh could not catch a break though....I woke up sunday mornng sick.  I don't mean functional sick, I mean pitching a tent in the bathroom sick (I think food poisoning).  I manged to let the dogs out but that was it.  I finally passed out about 9am.  I woke up at 11:30 just in time to see dh's dad pull in to pick him up to play a well deserved round of golf.  So I quickly go on the hunt for dh, he's just leaving the barn.  He had cleaned the stalls, turned the horses out and moved one of the huge water tubs in the field.  Again I was so appreciative he had done all this!

The whole shoe on the other foot situation got me thinking.....I was/am so grateful that dh had stepped up and helped me out either because I was at work or I was sick.  I really wonder if he thinks like this when he is at work and when I do everything around here while he is gone, or if he just has come to expect it?  While I don't know the answer to that question, I do feel bad he has had to help out so much this weekend because he has a couple of really big projects at work this week and a PC, so I'll be sending him good thoughts all week!

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