As many pilot's wives know your life often runs in phases....sometimes everything works great; good schedule, good crews (for John) nothing breaks at home (when he's gone), he makes his commutes, doesn't miss many events, this type of luck is great.
What then follows is karma coming to kick your ass for the "good luck."
The beginning of July was our good luck, John had the 4th off, I didn't have to work when he was home, his commutes were easy....Life was good.
The last 2 weeks however, have been Karma kicking my ass (clearly pay for him having the 4th off) and I say MY because John (right now) is happy as a clam. Let me back up a week. His schedule came out for next month, and being at the bottom of the barrel on reserve I was actually surprised at what a "good" schedule he got. He got 3 days off in a row...twice...pretty good for reserve in LAS. But John was inconsolable as he looked up the lines for the bases in FL (where he really wants to be based but that is a completely different story) a few of the guys/girl in John's class got a line! The horror (at least for John) I talked (tried to) for an hour at midnight one night while he rambled about how he knew in his "gut" he should have bid FL but WE (meaning ME in this case though he did have the decency to say we) decided LAS was best. Flash forward to two days later, it's his last day and a commute day, he gets a FNL (Ft.Collins turn) he should get in 45min before the SWA flight back here, great!!! Not so much; delayed leaving by slow/busy ground crew, ATC made them follow Con-U-All, then ConU slowed, blah blah blah, he missed his commute by about 20 sec and I'm not exaggerating. He ran to the SWA counter only to see them close the door, the gate agent (who was Awesome) tried to open and call the jet bridge people but they had already started pulling away. He makes it home on the next flight but has to sit there for 2 hours. 2 hours that I have to listen to him rail against everyone...ground crew, ATC, ConU, anyone he could think of. I merely tried to explain to him that this is how most of my days which I received the answer of "but it usually happens to you not me." Thanks honey because your ALWAYS (sense the sarcasm) supportive when I've had bad days.
Fast forward (or at this speed crawl) to this week. My job has been pain this week, teachers calling in sick (though they actually were sick which is better than usual), John calling and waking me up 3 times last night/this morning, my day ending in blaze of glory...more like a puddle of puke, from one of the kids. Suffice to say I'm tired (John called at 1:30am, 3am, and 9:30am) the last time simply to see if I was awake (I wasn't) and tell me he's going back to sleep. I've had a crappy day at work, and now I get to go home and try and play find someplace to park the horse trailer in the barn that I can still get the truck out around it, so our neighbor can borrow the truck.
I call John on my way home who is happy as a clam in Wendover NV with 2 mechanics, another FO and a CA. They flew there last night to swap out a plane that need to go in for scheduled maintenance, at any rate (something broke parts will be there tomorrow am) they have had 2 nights in the casino's at Wendover, and John is thrilled he's not sitting in someone's house on reserve this is his old type of stomping grounds, with the added bonus of 4 other fun airplane people to hang out with. As I am talking to him trying to tell him about my crappy day he's talking to another crew member. As he his blowing me off, he said "We are on the hunt for flip-flops the casino has a dollar store" I believe the other FO had already acquired a pair and the CA was in search now with John in tow. Now in all fairness this was supposed to be a 4 hour trip...not a 4 day one so no doubt everyone needed something at this point, toothbrush, deodorant...or in my husbands case a phone charger...but Flip Flops?
You have to love the irony, last week I had a good week and his was crappy (at which point mine became crappy) and this week my week is crappy and his is great.....but really, I get puked at and his biggest problem is where are the $1.00 Flip Flops.....just goes to show ya life isn't fair :)
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